Thursday, March 20, 2014

Weekly Reflection #7

I actually don't have much to write about at all this week. Chapter 7 went in full detail about using the debugger. To sum up this chapter I've learned that wrting the programs is only half the work when making games, the next step is making sure the code that I wrote actually works and that's where debugging comes in. Python's Shell actually has a debugger control. Debuggers pretty much let the programmer go through everysingle line of code, one line at a time while examining which lines execute (in what order) and what values the variables contain.
The debugger control in action.
All in all using the debugger is a great way to understand what exactly a program is doing, it's just a very slow process to me. I feel like it would be a lot more effective to run your project, test all of the functions and which ever function isn't working, go to that line of code and adjust accordingly.

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